A true prince and knight of Romanian humanity
In the summer of 1961, we were in the same cell at Aiud. For three months I had the opportunity to be inspired by everything I saw in this “true prince and knight of Romanian humanity”. He has always been my model of how a legionnaire should be and behave. He was modest in his cell life. He never allowed me to do the cleaning or the services in this cell in his place. I was young and felt the need to do my duty to those most affected by the many years of penance.
From Prince Ghica I took important data about the Captain and Moța, about Commander Horia Sima, about many other legionary intimacies of the Captain’s time. He described to me, with great clarity, the legionary events he had experienced and a documentary about the legion… He was one of those who, with dignity, rejected the diabolical communist re-education of the Securitate colonel Gheorghe Crăciun in Aiud.
(Luca Călvărășan – History in Tears, Vol. II, Bucura Publishing House, Sibiu, 1998, p. 449)