After Aiud
Once again, on hesychastic prayer and its revelations.
I began the mystical practice of the prayer of the heart on the basis of some indications I had received from others.
But first of all, at the beginning, I relied on two principles:
1. love, aspiration, attraction towards God, and
2. the unshakable, clear as daylight belief that God exists and can do anything.
Scientifically, I only knew that energy in a closed circuit increases its potential and is not lost, as an engineer at the Măgurele Atomic Institute near Bucharest told me.
And so it was!
And I prayed the prayer with making the sign of the cross over my heart. After the appearance of the cross of God’s Light in my heart, at a certain moment it turned into two circles that intersected, and then the two circles of God’s Light became one sphere.
I began to see heavenly vaults, then all sorts of shapes, possible and impossible to the human mind[1], in the divine light that poured out of my heart. These forms, appearing in the glory of God, multiplied infinitely, in new spaces, colours, scents and sensations… until they merged into infinity.
Later, I no longer perceived my body[2], but I saw an altar or a cruciform candelabrum made of candles or crosses of divine light.
I began to feel that in the rhythm of my breathing the ebb and flow of divine light was giving birth, revealing a creation, a spiritual world, whose source could not be my own limited mind, but only the Eternal Mind, God.
For I was fully aware that my spirit could neither create nor comprehend the boundless greatness that I saw, and that the earthly and material universe was but a faded, perishing shadow compared to the world of eternity…
In the glory of God, all that was spiritual, that is, all that I saw, had a more palpable, more obvious consistency to my spirit than matter.
And everything I experienced was outside the moment, outside time and space, because I was then in eternity. I watched this ever-deepening sky, and my spiritual eye no longer encompassed it, but was encompassed by it, as space encompasses galaxies and universes.
(The complete writings of Blessed Elijah the Seer of God and his life, commented on by his disciple and son in the Lord, Pr. Dr Dorin Octavian Picioruș. Vol. I, Theology for Today, Bucharest, 2010, pp. 310-311)
[1] What the human mind has thought of or never thought of.
[2] When I was always in God’s light.