Aiud, the theology department of Father Ioan Ageu
During this period (1961), a new strategy for the composition of the cells began in Aiud. No longer did they remain in the same formation for years, but the composition of the cells changed constantly. The future “re-education” process was being prepared, but we did not suspect anything, we were only surprised by certain attitudes and actions. […]
After the cell with Mihalexe, Corbuțiu and Onu was broken up, I ended up in the cell […] with […] Father Ioan Ageu, a former professor at the Orthodox Theological Academy in Arad. He is from Buhani, Arad County. He is one of my great opportunities to learn theology.
Not only because he is a theology professor, but above all because he is willing to give me a real course. And the course is taught methodically and with unfailing punctuality. The course is based on the Creed: The dogma of the Holy Trinity, creation, salvation through Jesus Christ, the work of the Holy Spirit through the Holy Mysteries; the attributes of the Church; the doctrine of the Mother of God; sins and virtues, etc.
Someone seems to have whispered to Colonel Jacob (who is in charge of this part of the prison) to stop the sarabande of movements for a while. I stayed with Father Ageu until the course was over. I am convinced that if I take the exam for admission to the Faculty of Theology tomorrow, I will succeed.
(Liviu Brânzaș, Raza from the Catacomb. Diary from Prison, Scara Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001, pp. 233-234)