Alexandru Mironescu, a true defender of Christ
It is a great joy and a spiritual uplifting to remember the great heroes, with burning hearts, heroes of the Cross, heroes of the Resurrection.
Alexandru Mironescu, with an endless and motivated smile, a strong and immovable pillar, with a sword of fire, a true defender of Christ.
As long as we could stay together, I felt encouraged, used, strengthened – we loved each other.
He knew and could keep his heart warm and preached softly but powerfully. He felt a whole white eternity lit up in an instant.
I hold him in infinite esteem and love on the altar of our saints.
He left us much of his heart, and now we listen to him lovingly as a “flower of fire”.
(Arch. Arsenie Papacioc, Bucharest, 23 January 1996 – Alexandru Mironescu. Centenary of his birth 1903-2003, edited by Ileanea Mironescu, Enciclopedica Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003, p. 106)