An unique missionary – priest Toma Gherasimescu
The priest Toma Gherasimescu from Bacău was also a unique missionary. He went from village to village, from town to town. He stayed until he solved the problem. He had his own car, his own printing press, a few disciples behind him. He printed books and had his beard and face anointed with ink. I was a very good friend of his and I defended him in prison because the Greek Catholics were attacking him, so I defended him and I said to him: “You are not worthy to tie the sandals of this priest, you four-legged people. This is the greatest missionary the Romanian Orthodox Church has ever given us. He even stole you and brought you to Orthodoxy”. In Arad he did a lot of missionary work among the Greek Catholics.
(Pr. Dimitrie Bejan – The joys of suffering. Evocări din Trecut, Cartea Moldovei Publishing House, Chișinău, 1995, Vol. I, p. 107)