Andreea: “Return to Christ” was the alarm clock that woke me up from the sleep of ignorance.
“Return to Christ” by Ioan Ianolide was the alarm that woke me up from the sleep of ignorance, it was the alarm that saved me from the tsunami of ideas and false knowledge. As I savoured this “Document for a New World”, I felt that I was indeed preparing myself for a new life.
I could not express what I felt when I learned about the martyrdom of the prisoners in the communist prisons. I was overwhelmed with their pain and suffering. But the love… the love, hope and true faith they showed made my heart rejoice, lifted my spirit to the Lord, gave strength to my soul and strength to my spirit. I bow down before them in all humility!
New and yet old stirrings were born in me. How can we live in such a world? How can we save the Christ within us? Where will our steps take us? I am convinced that “re-education” is now widely used. I do not know where I am in this demonic process, but I am determined to fight. I call to my support those who have gone through the torments of hell in the communist dungeons and I feel them close… I feel them with me…
The testimonies of the survivors shook me, my whole conscience was shaken… and my heart began to cry out.
It is a blessing that I was born Romanian, an even greater blessing that I was born Orthodox.
We must thank God for so many patron saints! We must give them the honour they deserve… we must welcome them into our lives!
May God help us!
(Andreea Drăgoi)