Andrei Ciurunga, a model of behaviour
Robert Cahuleanu (Andrei Ciurunga) […] was always a model of behaviour. Small in stature but full of life, always cheerful and full of optimism, he was gifted with a great talent for versification.
I knew Andrei Ciurunga well, having been a long-suffering friend of mine for months. In the labour camps of the Canal, it was forbidden to enter in any form, with a pencil or anything else, to write. But those who wanted to create did so here, and we, their friends, memorised their work in order to save it. Among these creators of good poetry was Cahuleanu Robert (Andrei Ciurunga).
(George Mârzanca – Four years I was… “Bandit”. Confessions – Vasile Cârlova Publishing House, Bucharest, 1997, p. 86)