Daniel Roman, a man who could only stand up to communism

Daniel Roman (Nilă), a former classmate at the “Samuil Vulcan” high school in Beiuș. He was first arrested in 1948 and sentenced to 5 years in prison, which he spent in Târgșor and Canal. Remus Radina, in his book “Testament from the Morgue”, remembers him in the category of the most dignified and toughest prisoners of Canal. He was free for about three years, then arrested and sentenced again, and ended up in Aiud. In his case, the truth is confirmed: a man who can only stand upright in a communist regime spends most of his life in prison.

(Liviu Brânzaș, Ray from the Catacomb. Diary from Prison, Scara Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001, p. 235)

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