Doctor Dumitru Uță, the most popular figure in Aiud prison
In Zarca, the top reactionaries and survivors of the Antonescu government, including several generals, former commanders of large units. Among them: General Pantazi, former Minister of War, General Constantin Constantin, Radu Lecca, Radu Gyr, the writer Constantin Gane, the professor of nuclear physics George Manu, Prince Alexandru Ghica, Nichifor Crainic (…).
I have left out Doctor Dumitru Uță, the most popular figure in Aiud prison, because of the sacrifices he made to end the suffering of every prisoner, regardless of political colour or ethnic origin. Doctor Uță had the opportunity to treat the man who had condemned him.
(Gabriel Bălănescu – From the kingdom of death. Pages from the history of the Iron Guard, Ed. Gordian, Timișoara, 1994, p. 121)