“Father Galeriu is alive”
Father Constantin Galeriu, one of the most prominent confessors of Bucharest, died 10 years ago. His unfailing love for God and his neighbour, his words full of wisdom and consolation, his life lived fully in Christ, can never be forgotten… The humble house of St. Sylvester’s Church, where Father lived, always had its door open, both to his spiritual sons and to the ordinary faithful or to those in need. It remains so today. At the door you will be greeted by Sister Argentina, who recently reached the venerable age of 88. “Grandma” Argentina, as she is called by the “family” of the faithful of St. Sylvester’s, shared a few thoughts with us at the end of July, on the eve of the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of Father’s death.
– May I kiss your hand, Sister Argentina. We didn’t dare disturb you. We’ve come to see Father at his tomb. I knew you’d had an operation recently. If Mrs. Iulia (Fr. Galeriu’s secretary, now a religion teacher) hadn’t told us you were better…
I’m glad you came. I’ve been out of hospital for two days. My spiritual sons and daughters were always with me. My children. They take care of me. Father Cristian is close. Very attentive. And then the spiritual fathers. With the advice of the confessors, I got through everything. What would we do without them! Perhaps you don’t know, but in three and a half years we have lost three children. Marius in 2010, Rodion in 2012, and Seraphim at Easter this year. If it weren’t for the confessors… I have always learned from suffering. A person learns a lot from suffering. If man does not suffer, he does not know God.
– Truly. But it’s not easy…
Not easy, but with the advice of my spiritual fathers I’m at peace. When I lost my second son, Rodion, I almost despaired. I asked myself: what can I do to carry the burden of life? I just didn’t know where to turn. Then I spoke to His Eminence John (of Covasna and Harghita). He spoke words of comfort that brought peace to my heart: “My daughter, do not be sad, because you have not buried him, but you have placed him in his cradle, like a baby who is beginning a new life – that of the Resurrection. Only with the advice of our spiritual fathers, only if we keep in touch with them, especially in times of need, do we calm our souls, we remain close to God.
– Father Constantin Galeriu was one of our great confessors…
Father’s life was a life of sacrifice and suffering. Spiritualists are of great use to us. We don’t even realise it. We often think that they are ordinary people, but they are not ordinary people. Let us ask for good spiritual fathers according to the word that says, “Ask and it shall be given to you”. And so it will be.
– But it must be hard enough for a priestess. It requires sacrifice. Father Galeriu, from this point of view, I don’t think it was too hard for him to have you at his side.
Man without suffering does not know God. It is in suffering that His knowledge is hidden. When Father was very preoccupied with something about Christ, and it seemed that I was confusing him, he would call me “Woman” instead of what he usually called me – Argentina. I used to get angry when he called me that. I didn’t like it very much. Now the spiritual children allude to me by calling me “grandma”. But it’s only now that I’m beginning to understand a lot of what I didn’t understand before. And only through suffering.
– The Saviour climbed Golgotha…
I didn’t go to hospital until I was 88. Not even for a day. Suffering woke me up. To real life. Doctors, when they operate, are filled with the Spirit of God. God works through them. It’s the suffering of those around us that brings doctors closer to God. Until we go through greater suffering, until we come to the hospital, it’s as if we don’t even know God… Without suffering it is impossible to know the Lord. Suffering is a lesson that helps us cut out evil and do good.
– Father Constantin Galeriu often spoke about the Holy Spirit. About the joy of the Holy Spirit…
The Holy Spirit, who is also with the doctors during the operation, is acquired through much hardship, through many sufferings and tribulations. It is only through suffering, through being with those in need, that we gain the true joy of the Holy Spirit that Father spoke of.
– Can man find peace in suffering? The cross is sometimes not so easy to bear.
It is through the cross, through the cross that man finds peace. I thank God. Through the Cross, through our spiritual fathers, I am at peace.
– Priestess Argentina, one last question: ten years after the death of Father Galeriu, the spiritual family of St. Sylvester remains united, close to the Church, with great love for its neighbours, for each person who crosses the threshold of this holy place. Not easy today. How do you explain this?
One thing you should know: for us, Father is alive. Father Galeriu is alive…
– On behalf of the readers of Faith World magazine, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the love with which you received us and for what you shared with us. Truly, Father Galeriu is alive.
(Interview by Gheorghiță Ciocioi – Magazine World of Faith, no. 121, August 2013)