“Father Ghiuș was a distinguished personality”
Many interesting people used to come to our house and discuss with my father new topics that were unknown to me. […] Among the most outstanding people I met at that time were Father Benedict Ghiuș, my father’s assistant at the university, Ștefan Todirașcu and, above all, the poet Vasile Voiculescu.
Father Ghiuș was a distinguished personality, a man with beautiful features, I would say classical, which spread around him an aura of peace, of reconciliation with himself and with others. He spoke softly, with a slow voice, had an immense culture and a language of rare elegance. All in all, he was incredibly modest.
(Lidia Stăniloae Ionescu – The light of the deed in the light of the word. Together with my father, Dumitru Stăniloae, Humanitas Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010, pp. 187-188)