Fr. Adrian Cărăușu – a faithful and dedicated theologian
Adrian Cărăușu was a theology student, but he was so faithful and dedicated that everyone called him “Father Cărăușu”. He had been in prison since 1941, along with Gafencu and the others. He told us for the first time about the life of those arrested during Antonescu’s time, about how they lived there, about prayers, about everything they did and about the spiritual life they had achieved. It was very interesting, it seemed to us like something from another world. And all these things he told us, and the prayers – he taught us a series of prayers – and the hymns, helped us a lot. It was the first time I had contact with theologians in prison, and for me this meeting with Father Cărăușu was a great source of spiritual strength for what followed.
(Pr. Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa – The Life of Father Gheorghe Calciu according to his and others’ testimonies, Christiana Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007, p. 42)