Gheorghe Jimboiu – a young man of great purity
Another young man of great purity was Gheorghe Jimboiu. When, at the request of Valeriu Gafencu, I began the week of prayer for Traian Maniu’s return to God, I took a “spiritual bath”. That is to say, since we had no priests among us at that time – they came soon after – we confessed our sins and faults to each other, one after the other.
That’s when I realised how much inner purity Jimboiu had. He was one of the purest. He told me that after six months of perseverance he had received the gift of the prayer of the heart. He prayed constantly. At night, when you woke up, you would see him sitting with his head on his chest: he was saying the prayer. He’d tell me how he felt about prayer. Later, from the books I read, I understood that he came to experience the states that the Holy Fathers speak of.
(Pr. Mihai Lungeanu – “The Saint of Prisons”, edited by monk Moise Iorgovan, Reîntregirea Publishing House, Alba Iulia, 2007, pp. 204-205)