Ion Folea – “a man of a moral ascendancy that imposed on everyone”

I almost forgot the most honest man among us, Ion Folea! A former career officer and accountant, a man of moral ascent who commanded all. (…)

Ion Folea, from Blaj – young, tall, handsome, he went to the commercial school in Blaj, where he also received a Christian moral inspiration. He is an accountant in the rice mill. Since he has been there, there is no more spinning. Everyone is angry with him. They can’t get him out, it’s too fair. They’ve tried to make him a very profitable deal, tens of thousands of lei. Ion Folea understood and refused: “I went to prison for politics and I came out with my head held high, I want to stay honest. If you want to do business here, kick me out first…”

(Pr. Dimitrie Bejan – The Cursed Village, Cartea Moldovei Publishing House, 1998, pp. 34, 98-99)

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