Reference No. 10.160/1984 for the reopening of the appeal against the defrocking
Basis No. 10.160/1984
The Canonical, Juridical and Disciplinary Commission has received an appeal from the former priest Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa against sentence no. 9/1984, issued by the Eparchial Consistory of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, by which the punishment “Caterisirii” was imposed on him, in accordance with the provisions of art. 4 paragraph B, lit. “d” of the Code of Canon Law.
From the analysis of the documents in the case file, it can be seen that the former priest Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa was guilty of serious misconduct and offences such as:
– Total disobedience and defiance of the higher ecclesiastical authorities;
– Violation of state laws by carrying out an activity contrary to the interests of the superior state, and was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment by sentence no. 35/4 May 1979, by the Territorial Military Tribunal of Bucharest;
– Disregard, disrespect and defiance of the orders of the higher ecclesiastical authority during the process of submission to the Diocesan Tribunal;
– Violation of the solemn oath taken as a licentiate in theology and of the declaration of ordination;
– Disregard of the Church’s teaching on submission to the governing authorities (Romans XIII, 1-2), which has led him to oppose, by word and deed, the authority of the State and to participate in groups that undermine the security of the State;
– Defiance of discipline in theological schools and disregard for ecclesiastical rules.
– For all this he was punished with DEFROCKING.
In view of the serious misconduct and offences committed by the former priest, Professor Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa, and considering that:
– His request is not made in accordance with the provisions of articles 210 and 211 of the Code of Canon Law, i.e. “to be properly formulated; to state the grounds of appeal, both substantive and formal, the provisions of the state and ecclesiastical regulations or the principle of canon law violated by the judgment in question”;
– that the petitioner has not demonstrated that the proceedings were not properly conducted, that the Statutes and the Code of Canon Law were not properly applied, or that the judgment in question exceeded the limits of competence, in accordance with art. 232 of the Code of Canon Law. The Canonical, Judicial and Disciplinary Commission proposes that the Plenary Synod
To reject as unfounded the appeal of the former priest Professor Gheorghe Calciu Dumitreasa.
The decision of the Eparchial Consistory of the Archdiocese of Bucharest remains final and executable.
(Document published in the volume Prigoana cea dină interior. Trials of the Righteous in their Church)