The Power of Prayer
These lines, like the previous ones, are written after my release from prison.
I heard a news item on the radio about curing diseases through radiation and vibrations. The results were obtained by a group of researchers.
This reminds me of some events years ago. This treatment by scientific means makes me aware of some personal observations which I have not been able to communicate to anyone and still cannot, so I can only entrust them now, in writing, to the future.
I am of the opinion that the origin of the universe lies in the emission of vibrations. I have had the spiritual revelation of concentric waves, emanations and disturbances. That’s in my mind.
But when we enter the spiritual universe, the vibrations become harmonious and we enter the eternal silence, where spiritual creatures, musical constructions and harmonies emerge, which lie in the depths of the creative sources, gushing, driving with the waves, the budding of creation.
But to return to the proposed theme… In a group of four or five people living together in the same cell, a misunderstanding arose and one of them (as in other similar cases) isolated himself from the others, not wanting to discuss and participate in the life of the group.
After some time, his condition (he had served almost 20 years of imprisonment) deteriorated significantly and took on neurasthenic aspects, becoming contagious and serious for the rest of us.
I remember that an engineer from the Atomic Institute in Măgurele, near Bucharest, told us about the following experience he had had with other colleagues.
Without knowing what was going to happen, they placed one of them in the immediate vicinity of a vibrating field coming from a machine that was causing increasingly intense vibrations.
The person exposed to the vibrations became restless, then irritable and finally aggressive.
Seeing that this was no joke, the others stopped the vibrations and their colleague began to calm down. They then explained to him what had happened. The man in question also confessed that in the last few moments he had felt so deeply disturbed that he began to think he was going mad.
To return to our case, to the man in the cell, his state, which was normal at first, changed, as he moved away from us, into one of inner restlessness, irritability, trembling of the heart, marked nervousness.
He was not an unfaithful man, but he prayed very little.
Because I understood the states he was going through and how serious they were for his health, I decided to intervene at all costs, because in these cases you can also be contaminated by his inner state.
Directly… it was impossible to approach him because he would not agree to talk to anyone at any attempt at dialogue.
Then I began to pray for him… Since during prayer I was able to draw into my spiritual field of vision vibrations of different natures that I knew and whose positive or negative effects I was aware of, I began to pray for him.
When I saw that I was not succeeding at first, I asked the person with whom he had had a little conflict (a naval officer called Macarie, who was an exceptionally good boy) to pray as well.
I knew what the Lord had said in the Gospel: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with you” (Matthew 18:20)… And so it was!
As I continued to pray for him… a pure blue light appeared to me in the visual-spiritual realm[1], with three lights in a triangle, sometimes with the white sign of the cross or the face of an altar, radiating joy and sweet gentleness.
In ecstasy, I directed this luminous concentration (which I often enjoyed) towards the man in question. The effect on my part was a loss of potential. But it was a gift I was giving to my neighbour, who I knew, now as then, would return this gift in full to me and to all, enriching my potential[2].
And so it did!
From the moment the bluish light focused on him, he hardly waited for me to finish my prayer. He came to speak to me, saying that he had a desire that he could no longer control, that he wanted to tell me the reasons for his isolation.
And he told me that he wanted to talk to me because the negative effect would be that he would get sick. He wanted to find out from me what had happened to him… and then he wanted to return to the same state of silence and isolation…
No matter what I talked about with him… I’m just describing the phenomenon itself…
The next day, in the evening, he came again to talk to me and explain other problems he had.
On the third evening he told me directly that a force was pushing him to talk to me.
I asked him to speak to the others. He told me afterwards that he felt an urgent need to communicate, especially as the emotional and physiological states he was going through were driving him to the lip of the chasm and he felt he was going mad.
These were, in my opinion, the beginnings of his symptoms of neurasthenia and cardiac neurosis, for he had irritating vibrations in his nerve tracts, trembling and vibrating of his heart muscles, twitching and convulsive spasms.
All this disappeared with time, the man became normal in his relations with others and he recovered organically.
I must confess that this light that I am talking about now I acquired during the spiritual battle that I was waging at a time when I myself was severely tested by neuroses, when I was asthenic and I can even say that I went through epileptic symptoms, but I did not let them manifest because I mastered them through the power of constant prayer.
And all this, I think, happened to me because of a nervous patient whom I was sitting next to, with whom I was living in a cell, but above all because of unclean spirits which, by the will of God, were allowed to test me, but which I overcame with the help of constant prayer, with the help of God.
I also noticed on several occasions that misunderstandings and conflicts generally came from a person who was negatively charged, who was haunted by dark spirits that I sometimes saw around that person.
This easily contaminated others. And it was very difficult to resist the vortex that this person created in the cell. Even if you weren’t involved in the discussion, you were still affected by it, directly or indirectly. You had to endure, resist any unfair accusations or insults in order to keep your inner peace.
The emission of negative vibrations also explained to me the fact mentioned by Mircea Eliade[3] in his Letters[4] about the suicide of the guards fasting at the tomb of an Indian personality.
It was finally discovered that a yogi(n) had remotely suggested to the soldier at the post that he should commit suicide. What was this suggestion or hypnosis but the transmission of negative vibrations by a yogi(n) who had mastered this black magic technique?
Personally, during this period of revelations, I noticed and experienced that the acceleration of positive vibrations can only stop in infinity, where it becomes absolute silence. And in this silence the incarnations of the world[5] appear from beyond time and space, from eternity, when the moment ceases[6].
But for this you have to be a pure mirror[7] on the level of the soul and the body.
The moment when infinity and eternity open up and you enter into them[8] you do not know whether it lasts a moment or an eternity, but you realise that you are beyond moment and duration and you do not know whether you are here or everywhere[9].
I once suffered from rheumatic pains. My left arm was ankylosed and for almost a year others had helped me to dress.
By that time I had acquired the graceful light in my heart. And I thought then that the moment the Graceful Light spread throughout my body, especially in the sick parts that I saw as dark areas of myself, I would be healed. And so it was!
The moment my left arm was engulfed by the light, the ankylosis disappeared, the rheumatic pains stopped and it has been years since then.
However, after this miracle of the healing of the ankylosis in my left arm, after the very difficult operation of the plastic TB peritonitis, being in extremely hard, exterminating conditions, I contracted a new cold, this time in my abdomen.
The danger was imminent. A new recrudescence of the disease, the pains were spreading and I had been suffering from them for two months… and they began to become more acute.
But I kept on praying, patiently… And as the situation became more serious, I praised God all the more.
Sometimes I would clench my teeth in pain… but I would say with all my heart and with all the strength of my soul: Praise You, Lord, even for this suffering…
And then I thought: “When can a word of praise and love and faith in our Creator be of more value than in such moments of collapse?…Isn’t that what I thought and wished when I was healthy?! Yes, that is what I wished! I wanted to glorify Him, to glorify God, in the agony and in death.
And so I did!
And I do not say these things out of pride or any other consideration, but only to reveal the truth about what happened to me in prison.
And back to the illness… In this critical situation of the recurrence of the TB peritonitis, one morning, when the pains had taken hold of me again, I began to pray as usual.
During the prayer, my body had the spiritual appearance of a temple. My clasped hands became an altar. Suddenly, in my right hand, there appeared a cross-tipped spear, a flame, reddish at the base and barely glowing at the tip.
And in the Spirit[10] I heard, “Put your hand where it hurts.”
I continued to pray, thinking that this command was a temptation, that it was to keep me from praying, to tempt me.
In the Spirit I heard again, “Why don’t you do what you have heard?” And again in the Spirit I answered, “Lest I fall into the sin of thinking I am worthy to heal myself by the power of my prayer”. And again in the Spirit I was told, “Do you believe?”
“I believe!” I replied.
“Then lay your hand on the place of pain and you will see the power of God. “In His name and to do His will, I lay on my hand,” I said in the Spirit.
At that moment the flame in my right hand leaked into the place where the pain emanated from. My belly was hot, and because of the warmth and joy that flickered over my sore places, I felt nothing but a sweet caress of light all that day until evening, when I fell asleep. In the days that followed I had nothing more, for I had completely recovered.
And what I mean in the end is that the divine light represents the ultimate aspect of accelerating vibrations to the highest intensity and harmonic superiority.
Perhaps some other time I will deign to speak of the gradations of colour seen in the divine light, as they manifest in the spiritual light. And I do this without pride, but only to speak the truth.
For I must firmly affirm that God has enabled me to know so many things in heaven that I have never known on earth.
He has allowed me to see and experience so many of His wonders, because He has brought down greatness and splendour in my heart and in my body, that I feel so overwhelmed and boundless, so powerless and unworthy, that I can show it[11] to my fellow men.
Jesus, my God, has descended into my heart, and in His glory I dwell in the fullness of heaven, because I am part of the Mystical Body of Christ, among His saints.
I am myself, I know myself, but I know that He is my heart and my universe, He is the One who makes me there and keeps me in His glory[12].
Once I felt that I was more like a vesper light. In His light, my body had lost its outline and was fading away.
But I was aware of my existence through the continuous prayer that flowed uninterruptedly in the clarity of the sky.
I concentrated in God. My consciousness had placed itself outside me[13], like a sun that was gradually receding from me, the One who was like a vapour[14], present in the point I occupied in space and in the real world, but who was, much more real, in the spiritual world.
Through the solar sky[15], which shone like sunlight, I saw a pure, brilliant, living light, in which the heavens seemed to rotate or spread their crowns of creation.
I was in Zarca, in the building of the Aiud prison, the oldest, where it is said that Crișan, the brother in arms[16] of Horia and Cloșca, was once imprisoned.
I was sent here with others because we were considered rebellious.
The conditions in 1964, the year of our liberation, were extremely harsh, made even harsher by those who kept us there.
The nails on my hands had grown as long as grains of maize[17]. My hair began to fall out. And my fingers had cracks in the cuticles from avitaminosis[18], showing my white bones.
In this situation, it was not surprising that I fell ill again.
No one looked at us.
We were left to ourselves.
One night, however, when I was feeling very ill, I could hardly doze off towards dawn. And then, in a dream, I saw myself and several others on a road that was full of mud, mud that was almost up to our knees…
At some point the others moved away from me. I felt so sick and tired that I said, “You go ahead, I’m staying here to help Jesus!”
Why did I say that? Because only two steps away from me, a white figure resembling the Saviour Christ appeared, walking through the mud…
I approached Him… and then the Saviour reached out His hand to me… and began to walk through my heart. I felt, being in a dream, such great warmth and joy that I awoke with the feeling of this joy in me and said: The hand of the Saviour is at work in my heart!
And for many days I lived under the impression of this vision and the feeling of an unquenchable joy… a joy that shone in my eyes to the amazement of those who were in the cell with me. Not to mention the fact that I was healthy again, because the illness had disappeared with me through this new miracle of Christ.
In all that I have said so far, and in all that I will say from now on, I am not philosophising. I do not claim to be. I am simply stating what I have seen, what I have felt and understood, or what has been suggested to me by the Holy Spirit in connection with what I have seen or what has been revealed to me.
I will relate a case that happened to a young man who was in the same cell with me.
He had tried to look outside during a visitation and for that he was sent to solitary confinement for about a week. You also got a week in solitary if you were seen praying or worshipping.
The young man was in solitary confinement without a bed, standing or walking around the cell for two or three days. When he couldn’t stand it any longer, he lay down on the wet cement, because in solitary confinement the cement was always wet, because every morning, on the pretext of cleaning, a bucket of water was thrown on the floor, which, in the shade of the walls, kept the moisture in all the time.
The latter, dozing with fatigue (he told us of this when he returned among us), appeared beside him (he did not know whether he was asleep or awake) a shining angel, with his sword outstretched, who said to him ”This is a place to watch, not to sleep!”
The young man got up and began to pray, walking or standing for a few days.
When he told us these things, it was almost unbelievable that a man could stand and walk for a week.
However, he was cold and said that he had not felt any fatigue in his body since the appearance of the angel in his cell.
I should point out that in solitary confinement you were given only a piece of bread and water for the whole time you were there.
(The complete writings of Blessed Elijah the Seer of God and his life, commented by his disciple and son in the Lord, Pr. Dr Dorin Octavian Picioruș. Vol. I, Theology for Today, Bucharest, 2010, pp. 324-332)
[1] At the ecstatic level.
[2] My physical and spiritual power.
[3] See:
[4] An article by Dan C. Mihăilescu on Eliade’s correspondence:
[5] Those who see themselves in the divine light.
[6] Where there is no time.
[7] To purge oneself of the passions and become God-seeing.
[8] At the ecstatic level.
[9] When you are in ecstasy, in the divine light.
[10] Being in the divine light of the Holy Trinity or in the light of the Holy Spirit.
[11] Making it known.
[12] The commentary on these verses belongs to us.
[13] For the spirit of his soul was beholding his body in the divine light.
[14] Of his body which was full of light.
[15] Full of light.
[16] His brother in arms, his comrade, his friend…
[17] That is, to shrink.
[18] Avitaminosis = nutritional disease caused by long-term lack of vitamins in the body.